Sinful Sister Read online

Page 5

  I pull away to catch my breath before I grab him again. Wanting more. We’re hidden in the open making out like the naughty witches we are. I cannot get enough. A groan rips from my chest and I rock against him trying to get closer. Students continue to walk by, but the thrill of being watched only serves to heighten my arousal.

  I’m almost to the point of exploding when I hear Professor Byron in the hallway chastising students and telling them to get to the dining hall instead of gawking at the scene. The sound of his rough bossy voice is all it takes to tip me over the edge, and I explode. My moans of pleasure are muffled by Julian’s skilled mouth. He vibrates against me as his own cry meets mine, and I know he’s come as well. I untangle from his hold, fulfilled, but no matter how good that was just a glimpse. I’m left still needing more. I look up at him with a cheshire grin, my voice slow and thick with satisfaction. “Rest up because this isn’t over, not by a long shot.”


  Just like his note said, I find Cam sitting alone on a bench on the outskirts of the reformatory campus. He’s lost in his own head, and I can’t help thinking I’ve been adding to whatever the struggles are weighing him down. Sitting down close to him, I take in the lush beauty around us. We’re in a clearing surrounded by old trees full of vibrant green leaves at the peak. Flowers in full bloom, their bright purples and pinks highlighted by the same colored hue of the setting sun.

  “It sure is beautiful here,” I say as I lay my head on Cam’s solid shoulder. He wraps his arm around me to pull me closer to him.

  “It reminds me of you, Iz. Beautiful, yes, and with many hidden charms. You are never quite done discovering all there is to know. There are fields of flowers, butterflies in the day and fireflies at night, sunshine, and I find an discovered treasure every time I come. Not to mention it’s a pain in the ass to find your way through the dark obstacles to get to the hidden treasures inside.”

  I push him in a playful response to his teasing, but his words mean so much to me. He means more to me than I can ever express. Since that day we met when we were little, he has been my everything. Protector, best friend, encourager, and he’s grown to be so much more.

  “I have?” I peer up and into his intense navy eyes. His face is open and ready to take in what I am ready to give, as if he knows I’m ready to return feelings he’s held for so long. When I take a breath to fortify myself, preparing to relay my thoughts and feelings and change us forever, his musky crisp lemon scent that is still somehow raw masculinity fills my senses.

  Fortified I graze my hand along the dark layer of hair on his arm. “Of course. How could you not know what—who—you are to me? I’d give up everyone for you.”

  His shoulder relaxes, all the tension that had been filling him released. His response comes quick, voice ringing with his sincerity. “You don’t have to, Iz,” he protests softly. “You know that, right?”

  His words spark something within, and I lean into him even though there’s no way we can get closer. My lips meet his in what is meant to be a gentle kiss. Before I can think, his tongue laps sensually over my lips and I open to him. He moves inside to explore and tease my mouth. We forget the outside world and fall into an erotic dance. The kiss is saying so much that I don’t think either of us could find the words to express.

  I haven’t gotten my fill, but I still pull away in a last minute moment of panic and self doubt. I know I’ll never be good enough for him. “Cam, should we really go there? I love you entirely too much to lose you. You’re all I have.”

  He looks half disappointed—in stopping? In me? I’m not sure—and half ready to ignore my concerns and just pounce on me until I love him back. I wish he knew how much I do love him. Before I can near a full blown panic he squeezes me with a gentle reassurance that grounds me. Brings me back to here and now.

  “You’re my best friend, Iz. A kiss won’t change that, nothing will.” I know his words are true, just like I know the sun will rise again in the morning. Cam strengthens me when I feel weak. I could technically get by just fine in a world without him, but why would I ever want to?

  I giggle as Cam jumps up from the bench, running toward a patch of wildflowers. Patches of white daisies stick out among the pink and purples surrounding them. He gathers the one flower that makes me feel happy inside.

  My smile must be radiating at him as he returns with a handful of supposted weeds. They may be weeds to the general population, but they’re more than that to me.

  Excitement causes me to wiggle on the bench in anticipation. “What are going to do with those?”

  “Remember when we were younger, every time we saw this kind of daisy you insisted on having a crown. Why should it be different today?”

  His sincerity cuts off any fear that might’ve been lingering, and my heart falls for Cam a little more at this moment. I fling my arms around him, careful not to smash the flowers.

  “How about a game?” I ask him.

  He looks at me expectantly, urging me to continue, so I do. “For every flower you use, one of us makes a confession to the other.”

  “Sounds like… fun,” he deadpans. He doesn’t seem too keen on my idea. The fakest smile I’ve ever seen tips his lips.

  I full-on pout. There’s no way he can resist when I do. Cam heaves a beleaguered sigh and makes a few grumbles before finally agreeing. I clap excitedly and then I notice the gleam in his eyes.

  “Camden!” Crossing my arms, I let out a huff and narrow my eyes. “Were you messing with me?”

  Real grin in place, he becomes the playful Cam I adore. “Prepare to unleash all your dirty secrets. Your big ol’ head is going to require more than a few of these daisies.”

  I pretend to be offended as I push my shoulder against his. “Just for that, you’re going first.”

  Camden clears his throat and turns to me to start our dangerous game. “I’ve had a crush on you since my thirteenth birthday. You were always my person, but when you walked in wearing that miniskirt… let’s just say more than my brain and heart noticed you.” His eyes are hooded as they drop to stare at my legs. When he raises them back up to meet mine, he winks.

  “Well then,” is all I manage for a minute. He totally caught me off guard with that confession. I observe as he weaves one of the daisies into the other. He is clearly giving me time to process the largeness of his confession.

  I don’t want to play games with him, but I only know one way to get him to understand how much he means to me. Keeping my eyes trained on him, I give him my best coy, hopefully sexy, half-smile.

  “I wore that miniskirt for you, silly. You did a good job pretending not to notice, though.”

  He lets out a huff of air. “Too good. Justin Finnagin sure made his feelings known, didn’t he? He stole my first kiss that night.”

  I gasp, my mouth open in exaggerated surprise. “Justin Finnagin was your first kiss, too?”

  We spend too many daisies in what can only be described as safe confessions. Looking at the last few and almost finished crown, I can’t take it any longer.

  “Julian and I made out in a cove.” I cover my face to try and hide from his penetrating stare. “And I dry humped him until we both came.” The words rush out in one breath, they come so quickly they almost blend together.

  Cam is much quicker adding another daisy this time. “I knew.” My shock is real as I stare at him with my jaw hanging as he continues. “He told me. Actually, he’s used it to torment me ever since. I’m not going to lie. It hurt. Especially at first, until I realize he’s trying to force my hand. He’s done some really jacked up things and can be downright cruel sometimes. But once the dude cares, he’ll use any trick he can to try and make you happy.”

  “Oh, Cam.” I run my hand along his cheek. If I could take away the pain clearly written on his face, I would. He doesn’t give me time for more.

  “I get it, Iz. I get you. You need more than I can ever give you.” He presses his finger over my protesting lips. “Just he
ar me out.” At my hesitant nod, he begins again. “I’m okay being your rock. I love that I can be that for you. Steady. Strong. It’s a hell of a gig. And you give me so much. You need more, though. Adventure. Playfulness. A stern hand. Someone to challenge you or call you brat when needed.”

  We’re both quiet for several minutes; I’m lost in my head. “And you think Julian can give me those other things?” Cam’s answer could change so much. I wonder if he knows that.

  “No. Julian is only one part of it. Professor Byron is a factor too, he’s the challenge you’ve not yet overcome. And I for one am finding it fun, in more ways than one, to watch.” Saying I’m surprised is an understatement as his words settle into me.

  I snatch the last two daisies. My usual confidence fails me, and my voice is hushed. “These last two are mine. For these, I need you to look at me, and no matter what, don’t turn away.”

  “I’d never turn away from you, Iz. Don’t you know that by now? I’d move worlds for you if I could.”

  An inhale later, I’m confessing what I wasn’t sure I could. “I’ve dreamed of it, you know. It started with you and Julian. You both loved me and my body until I couldn’t move. But there was more. I can’t believe I’m telling you this, but Julian kissed you. Cam, I swear, even just thinking of it now does things to me.” My voice drops off as I become lost in my fantasy.

  He gives my hand a squeeze to encourage me to go on. “And the professor?”

  I answer him after a slight pause. “Samuel, I mean Professor Byron. Goddess, you know me so well. He refused to be forgotten. He walked in and told us what to do. His commands were enough to undo me. It wasn’t that I had to listen to it, it was that I wanted to listen that got me the most.”

  I hand Cam one of the daisies, the last feeling heavy in my hand. It’s now or never, and I have no plans to chicken out. “See the thing is, Cam. I want that. I want you all. But I’d give up… I’d give the fantasy up, give up the others before I’ve crossed the line of no return for you. Deep down, I feel how good we could all be, but I could never give you up. You’re my first love. My most devoted best friend that I know could be so much more.”

  His grin is contagious. I can’t help but smile like a middle school girl as he takes the last daisy and finishes my crown. He places it upon my head, and I grab his shirt to bring him closer to me.

  With our lips hovering, I whisper, “One last confession. I need you to kiss me again.” He does; he kisses me senseless in the hidden clearing. The darkness surrounds us except for the flickering of occasional fireflies. He kisses me until it’s past curfew when we walk hand and hand back to the housing building.

  Standing in front of my building, Cam steals one last kiss before I turn to walk inside. Just as I’m stepping over the threshold, I hear, “Iz. Wait.” I turn to him. “You don’t have to choose. I love that you would give them up for me, but it’s not necessary. I love every part of you, even the parts that need them. I’ll never do anything to dull you.” With a wink, he shouts a final goodnight before turning and walking away.


  I stand at the threshold of Cam and Julian’s room, debating if I’m really going to go through with my plan. I’m pulled here, time and time again. Fuck it. It’s time to make good of the sexy man candy laid out for me on a silver platter.

  Though the sexual chemistry is undeniable, our connection remains deeper. I’ve felt it with Cam for a long time. We’ve always been bonded on another level. It’s different with Julian, ever since we let each other in, the tug I already felt toward him keeps growing stronger. My feelings for both are continuing to deepen. Evolve. They make me solid when I have been drifting for so long.

  They are missing pieces to the puzzle that completes me, and I’m close to finishing that puzzle.

  Cam opens the door dressed in only sweatpants hanging low on his waist, highlighting the yummy V I want to trace with my tongue. Decision made.

  He clears his throat. “My eyes are up here.”

  I answer with a chuckle, raising my gaze to finally meet his deep navy orbs. “Is that so?” I complete a lazy elevator perusal of his perfectly muscled body. Bulky arms lead to firm pecs and down to a perfectly trimmed and chiseled eight pack.

  A heavenly sigh escapes me as I brush past him, making sure my ass grazes him in a perfectly naughty way.

  He blushes, cheeks turning a rosy pink. I’ll give him something to blush about. “If you like my eyes on you, just wait until I run my hands along that same path, hot stuff.”

  “What’s this I hear about a dangerously sexy woman getting handsy?” sounds behind me.

  I turn to meet the always tumultuous multicolored eyes of Julian. Once I tear my gaze away to take in the rest of him, my insides heat another twenty degrees. He stands wrapped in a towel, water dripping down his lean muscles. I want to kiss, suck, and lick every drop from his tanned skin.

  Eyes still roving his delicious body, I ask in my best Jessica Rabbit voice, “Is it hot in here? No, wait, that’s just you.” All three of us crack up laughing even though we all know I was serious.

  “Go ahead,” Julian nearly purrs, running his hand down his chest. “Lick me dry, I have no objections. Cam here would love to watch, wouldn’t you?” I can feel the tension crackle in the air at his suggestion.

  Cam lets out a low, throaty groan, clearly desperate to finish what we started the other day. Our words. Our kisses. We are now free to show the love for each other physically as we’ve always done emotionally. This is the cherry on the sundae of our unbreakable bond with each other. We’re both well aware of the implications of our time together last week. This is the first time all of us have been together outside of class. We’ve been able to hang out separately, and now that we’re all here together I plan to make the most of it. I’ve dreamed about this very scenario.

  Without a word, I stride with purpose to Julian. I grab the hem of my skater dress and pull it over my head. Both of them grunt in approval, my lacy red bra and thong set designed to tease desire from their bones.

  Julian, never one to lose a game of chicken, drops his towel from his body so he stands in front of me completely nude. Beads of water fall from his wet hair and run down his lean muscles highlighting his immaculate frame/body/chest/pecs.

  “Make sure you have a good seat,” I say as I peer over my shoulder at Cam. “I want you ready.”

  My focus returns to Julian, and I fall to my knees finally allowing my mouth to take over. I lick a path along the indentation of his abs, spreading his legs to give me room to go higher. I move up with open mouth kisses until I reach his stiff nipples. My tongue traces a circle around the pebbled flesh of one peak, and then I bite down hard until I hear his soft whimper.

  “I’ve craved your taste. And, fuck, you don’t disappoint. You taste devine,” I tell him through our connection. One that seems to build the more flesh I cover with my mouth, while my words and soft moans of pleasure vibrate over him in tantilating teases.

  I can sense him talking to Cam through whatever connection they’ve established but don’t pay much attention or try to figure out what they’re saying. I’m too busy lapping up every delectable inch I can get. Right now, my greatest wish is to make Julian forget his name. And I am in the business of granting desires and dreams, aren’t I?

  I slowly start my descent back down his delectable body. Licking, nipping, and sucking as I go. Once I am back to my original stance on my knees, I face his hardened cock. I felt its bulk a few weeks ago when I ground against it through his jeans, but I had no idea.

  His cock is thick and long but like his muscles, not excessively so. He is perfectly proportioned. I dip down and drag my tongue along the underside of his cock, tracing the sensitive vein. At the head of his cock, I lick around in a full circle, not quite taking him inside my mouth. My teasing is sweet torture for both of us. No, for all three of us.

  As if I summoned him, and maybe I did, the warmth of Cam presses into the softness of my bac
k. Smooth skin and firm muscles flush against me as he reaches around and takes Julian’s hardness from me.

  “Open up,” Cam commands.

  The thick head of Julian’s dick passes my lips, sliding into my mouth, filling me. Cam holds my head steady. “Show us how your pretty little mouth loves his cock. Take it all.” I moan, the vibration of my mouth eliciting a groan of pleasure from Julian.

  “More, Julian. She can take it. She won’t break.”

  Julian takes his words to heart because he starts pumping into me as Cam holds my head still. I am so wet and needy. I can’t help the plea I push to them. “Please. I need more. Touch me.”

  Julian slows and nods at Cam, who lets go of my head. “Are you good to continue?” Julian asks. “Are you sure you want this to keep going?”

  To answer him, I wrap my hand around the base of his cock. Moving my mouth up and down his length, I bob my head in a yes motion.

  Cam skims his hands over my shoulders, pushing the lace cups of my bra to the side so he can tweak my nipples; first one, then the other. Electricity shoots down to my wanting pussy. Warm, wet kisses are pressed along my neck, making me shiver as the air cools them.

  “More. Please. More.” Without any other words, they know. They’re part of me and my desires at this moment.

  Julian groans, his pleasure overwhelming. He’s too close, so I stop to pull him down so he is facing me. My lips capture his hungrily. It’s sloppy with our need for each other, which makes it even hotter. The more we touch the more I feel connected. I can’t fight my need for him, for them. I don’t want to. Pulling away, I study him intently, his expression is intense, clouded by desire that rivals my own. I force him the rest of the way to the ground.

  My ass is on display as I lean down to devour him again, so I give it a teasing wiggle. Swaying my hips in a provocative dance, I use the slow rhythm of me sucking Julian as my music. I’m determined to lure Cam into our play. I smile around Julian’s cock, pleased at how well it works when I feel Cam behind me. He wastes no time before he pulls my thighs apart, rubbing his face along each of my inner thighs. After he licks a path up each side, he reaches the apex of my thighs. My panties, if you can call them that, get moved to the side, the cold air making the warm heat of his mouth that much more overwhelming.