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Sinful Sister Page 4
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Page 4
Apparently, I’ve let my guard down because the next thing I know he’s pushing thoughts to me. “Princess, I take being bad to a whole new level. Trust me, you’ve got nothing on me. Don’t let me fool you.”
As I close the connection between us, I can’t help but think he’s not as evil and he tries to be; I’ve felt him from the inside. He’s not bad; he’s covering lots of hurts. Maybe he’ll tell me about it one day, or at least let me inside deep enough to see.
When I enter the library again a few days later, I’m bordering on exhausted. I’ve been kept so busy I can’t think much less figure out why I can’t connect with my best friend. Cam was supposed to have found a secure place to meet by now. It’s been a week since I got his note saying he was close to figuring it out. That is not anywhere near ‘close.’
Julian and I are meeting at the library again to give productivity a second chance. I’m highly doubtful, but it’s worth a chance.
I know we’re in for it as soon as I see him in our private study room. Julian’s rumpled hair, strands everywhere from his hand running through the locks. He’s either wearing the same ‘Save a Broom, Ride a Witch’ T-shirt with soft worn jeans or he has the misfortune of having more than one of this outfit. Girl, control yourself. No pouncing! I swear, it’s like I’m a jungle cat ready to climb him and sink my teeth into his neck marking him as mine. Slow your roll, Iz.
I sit down beside him, but he won’t look at me. “What’s wrong, Julian?”
“You don’t want to know, Princess.”
“First, don’t call me princess. I’m not. And second, don’t tell me what I do and don’t want to know.”
He grabs my arms, pulling me close to him. His eyes are wide, pupils dilated. Pain clear throughout but still unable to mar his beauty.
Clenching my jaw, I lift my head in defiance. “I can handle it. Do your worst.”
His voice is gravel as he replies, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, pr—”
Without warning, I’m on his lap and straddling him. My breath hitches, and while it should be awkward it simply feels… right. His stare bores into me. I open my connection fully to him, both scared and excited for the journey he is about to take me on. When I open like this it allows him inside of me, all the parts carefully hidden from everyone. If he does the same, I’ll see inside the ugly he’s offering.
I’m falling down a tunnel, while images surround me flashing so quickly I can’t discern them. I sit at the bottom, engulfed in darkness. A picture falls into my outstretched hand.
It’s Julian. I’m not sure how I know, I just do. The highlight reel of his life begins. It doesn’t start pretty. Abandoned after the witch doctor declared him no good. Said he was only filled with darkness, and the witch world would be better off if he were eliminated before any harm was done.
“Don’t cry for me. I know what I am. You’ll know too after you see.” He’s watching with me. I try to push back on him, to tell him I don’t need to know, I feel who he really is. But I’ve given him control, so there’s no point fighting now.
He’s given away. His new home was as dark as they said his soul was. Taught to fight, to take, to kill. So many trips to the marketplace. So much stolen food, money, tricks played, and people hurt. I still don’t feel the kill, though. He ages and his power grows. Fights, so many battles. He wins but stops short of permanent damage.
“Quit trying to see good where none exists.”
After a dizzying amount of perfection, magic banned for self-gain, for the gain of those who took him in, everything disappears and a sad sixteen-year-old boy appears. It’s like I could reach out to him, but I know I’m in the memory, not that time of reality.
A muffled voice sounds behind him. “Finish him and pledge yourself forever to our cause.” There’s a pause. That voice, it’s so familiar, but in the fog of his memory and my own emotion, I can’t put forth the effort needed to try and place it. “You are the link, my chosen son. Only you have the power we seek. Finish him and prove you have what it takes.”
Instead of killing the person set before him, Julian turns to the man speaking and, with no warning, blasts him with a force unpracticed.
“I think I killed him, the man who took me in and raised me. I’m not sure because they put me here. I’m too powerful to execute. They like to remind me that they will change soon when they learn how to harness me. They’ll strip me and leave me for dead.”
He brings me back, both exhausted and panting from the effort of our exchange. I fall against him and his fingers brush away my tears. I didn’t know I was crying. “Don’t feel bad for me. What you didn’t see, what makes me the monster they say, is that I don’t feel bad about it. I hope I did kill him.” A weary sigh escapes me because if they made him feel he’s so bad that he doesn’t deserve anything good, I hope they did die too.
Julian and I are more alike than I ever would have guessed. Both labeled early on in life, both used for others’ evil pursuits. He’s so much more to me than the undeniable physical chemistry we both feel. He’s become a part of me. Cam is steady, my rock when I need to be anchored. But Julian. He is me. We’re so much of the same. He helps me see the good in myself that I never dared hope to believe was there. I embraced the fuck-it-all bad girl because it was easier, there was less of a chance to be hurt. I’ve had enough of that in my life.
I came here with a plan. I was going to be on my best behavior no matter what. And I have been tested with ridiculous task after ridiculous task, but I am determined to get out. I need to show everyone how wrong they were. To get Cam home so he doesn’t sacrifice more for me.
If finding Julian here is the only way I could’ve met him, I have no regrets. He’s my darkness balancing Cam’s light. I’m allowed to be vulnerable with both of them and explore who I really am inside.
Julian rubs my back in soothing motions. “Sleep. I’ll watch over you, and we can work when you’re rested and replenished.” And I do. I close my eyes, secure in his strong arms holding me tight, neither of us ready to leave the private world we’ve created.
A little over two weeks at this place and not much has changed. Cam and I can only connect in our one class together, but I’ve managed to hang with Julian a lot. A series of misfortunate events have ensured Cam and I have no time alone, and the one time I made it to his room he wasn’t there. Every other time I started his way, I was called away before I could even go inside his building. So much for me taking over trying to find a secure place to meet him. This is getting absolutely ridiculous. What the hell is going on?
At least we both have Julian. Prankster bad-boy that makes my sister Ana’s pranks look like the child’s play they were meant to be. He and I have grown a lot closer. Our extra assignment is almost finished but once he let me in, I let him in as well. We understand each other much better now.
Class drolls by, and I’m lost in sexy thoughts. When I’m in the presence of Cam, Julian, and the professor I can’t seem to help myself, my body takes over. My daze is interrupted by Professor Byron, who has insisted we call him Samuel. I assume he wants to seem young and cool. He’s actually not that old when I think about it.
Samuel clears his throat pulling my attention to his chiseled square jaw sprinkled with a light layer of five-o-clock stubble. I try not to look at him too much. I don’t want to be sucked in any more than I already have been. My body has a mind of its own when I’m around him—I become the sex kitten I’ve been accused of being my entire life.
It’s bad enough I can’t stop the naughty daydreams of Cam and Julian doing all the dirty things to me but adding in Samuel, that takes it to a whole new level. I want him to tie me up and make me call him daddy while the others watch.
“Yes, Sir?” I answer, unable to hide the low lusty sound of my voice that the vision invoked.
He licks his bottom lip before he opens his mouth to speak. “See me after class. We need to talk about your last assignment.” I watch the rise and
fall of his Adam's apple when he swallows.
“Yes, Sir,” I purr back at him, finger twirling a lock of my dark shiny hair. I’m frustrated, horny, and really want to mess with the unflappable man. He has no idea what’s coming.
Last week, Samuel shocked me, actually shocked me every time I wasn’t paying attention. That wasn’t the first time either. It’s not typically blatant, there’s always a reason for an extra assignment or reason to stay after class. He loves to toy with me, shooting me ‘fuck me’ looks then offering up small punishments when I’m distracted.
Speaking of fuck me looks, this man does things to me in the worst way. He has the most alluring silvery gray blue eyes. When they gaze upon you, you’ll want to do his bidding. He has a way about him. He’s a bossy, broody sex god and I want to lick him from head to toe. But first I want to play with my prey, like any good huntress would do. I like the idea of that, from now on I’m the huntress, I’m tired of being toyed with. It’s time to take back my power. Own it.
Classroom empty, I stand before Samuel’s desk ready to face my fate and have a little fun in the process. Samuel's dark eyes land on my mouth before moving upward. His gaze locks with mine, and I’m startled by the force. It’s as if it can bore into me. My insides churn as I realize I’m the one unprepared. He is going to turn everything around on me. I can do this though.
Those silver, grayish blue irises that I could too easily lose myself in twinkle. "There's a difference between evil and bad. And, boy, do you like to be bad, Pet. But know, bad has consequences,” Samuel says with a wink. It’s frustrating how he can remain stoic while teasing my lust into a frenzy.
Determined not to let him see his words affect me, the breathy purr of my response betrays me. "Is that so, Sammy boy?" Feigning bashfulness, I move my gaze down while I conjure a rosy blush to my cheeks. “Question is, are you gonna be bad too? Or…"
I turn to walk away, leaving my words a naughty tease. But, no, Professor Byron can't get off that easy. With an arch of my back so my tight young ass protrudes—raising the already inappropriately short skirt of my uniform—I turn my head to peer back at him. "Or, are you gonna punish me like the bad girl I am? You know, consequences and all.”
With a shake of his head, his voice pure lusty gravel, Samuel looks me up and down before his penetrating gaze settles to stare into my eyes. "Oh, Ms. Kane. Don't you worry your pretty little head, I've got plans for you. And if you have trouble with my lessons, I'll just have to tutor you."
In a whoosh, he's up and walking toward the door, but not before he pauses to whisper in my ear, his hot breath warming my skin and eliciting a shiver. "Don't worry, we'll have you on top before you know it. I'm not afraid to work you." He pauses to let his words sink in before uttering one last word, his voice silky perfection. "Hard."
My core clenches, the wetness of arousal heightened. I’m not sure if I want to murder or fuck this man senseless. Murder by fabulous fucking? I can live with that. I stalk toward the door, ready to get back to my room, never more upset, or aware, of the fact that I have no fun toys. I’m not ready to go there with Cam. Especially with his hot but oh so bad roommate and Samuel equally pulling me, or at least my body, to them.
“That can be arranged,” Julian says in a breathy whisper as I bump into his solid frame. I’m not sure if he’s speaking aloud or in my head.
“Standing in front of doorways isn’t the safest of past times.” I lean against the frame, my arms folded as I affect a nonchalant air, like the badass huntress warrior I am.
“Safer than your little seduce a professor act you had going on in there.”
He already knows how to goad me. I glare up at him while I use all of my five foot two inches and one-hundred thirty pounds to push forward, determined to get past him. He’s too fast, grabbing my arm to stop me, but his grip is gentle ensuring he doesn’t hurt me.
“That is an asshole thing to say.”
My eyebrows rise in a ‘Ya think. Is that all?’ question.
“That’s the best I got, prin—”
“Remember, you want me anywhere near you, the princess shit stops. Now.”
“I’ll do my best.” Grabbing my hand he pulls me behind him. “Come on let’s have some fun.” All I can do is follow and wonder what I have gotten myself into.
I have to admit I like the feel of Julian’s large hand engulfing mine. At 6’2, he is the tallest of all the guys, a full foot taller than me. There is something so sexy about it. It adds to the illusion of his power. I guess it’s not a full illusion, since like me he has access to some powers and is learning about more here and there.
We’ve walked the whole of the campus hand in hand looking into the depths of people’s minds and hearts. We’ve granted several what they think they want. It just so happens sometimes little things have to happen to get it for them. A spill here, a fall here—sorry about the broken leg—a breakup or two. I do see why Ana found the smaller pranks fun. I spent more time giving adults a taste of the nasty things they thought about.
I push the threatening darkness away when we come upon a boy and girl fighting. I stop, pulling Julian in front of me as if we are having a private talk. I don’t want it to be evident that we’re eavesdropping.
“But you promised,” she tells him. Her face is pulled tight in an effort not to let the tears clearly gathering in her eyes fall.
“I know, but they’re my parents. I’ve already disappointed them enough being sent here.”
“If you really loved me, you’d grow up and stop allowing them to control your life. Hell, you should do that for you, not just me. Be a man.”
“Savannah, don’t do this. Just wait a little longer and I promise, I’ll tell them about the ring.”
I probe him. The little liar, he has no intention of telling his parents. He is going to use her then do what his parents want. What a little slimeball. He deserves what is about to happen. And his name is Cameron. He’ll get a bit extra just for having a name that’s a weak wanna be of Camden.
I push thoughts to Savannah, to make her move and start to walk away. Just in time, too, because all of a sudden, oopsies, Cameron isn’t feeling well. He projectile vomits on the wall. There is a disgusting sound as he shits his pants.
Nothing like psychological warfare. It’s easy to trick the brain into thinking it has food poisoning. He deserves a little poisoning, after all. I mean, what kind of creep gives a woman a ring and won’t tell his parents? It’s a funking ring, asshole.
Savannah stops. “Ew. You better clean that up.” There’s a bit of a gleam in her eye as she finishes, “I’d hate for you to spend a few days with Nurse Ratchet.”
What a great idea. I push another thought into his mind, but I don’t think I can stand the thought of what he’s about to do. Once he’s on his knees ready to clean his mess with his mouth, I pull Julian with me into the cove not far away. We’re hidden but not so much that I hear her last words.
“If I wasn’t done with you before, I am now. You’re not only a coward, but you’re also sick. That mouth will never be near me again. I hope you’re happy. I’ll be calling someone to take you to the nurse.”
Julian’s eyes narrow as he zeroes in on me, but there’s a telling twinkle in them as he tsks. “You’re a naughty, naughty witch. And I can’t get enough.”
The musty cold of the forgotten cove surrounds us. The fit is tight. Julian is tall but thankfully not bulky with a swimmers frame, muscled but not overly so. I wish I could run my hands under his worn T-shirt to feel the cut ab muscles I know must be there. After all, he’s my prey and I long to devour him. Gotta make sure he’s up to standards.
He leans down, kissing me where my neck meets my shoulder. His hot breath tickles my skin as he whispers, “Go ahead. Trust me, I don’t mind. Your hands belong on my body.”
Without thinking, I do it. His stomach is tight, just as I thought. Taut and lean. Sexy in all the best ways. Goosebump
s erupt along his skin as I thoroughly explore from his abs to his chest. I glide over his pecs, making sure my palm rubs over his tight little nipples.
“Kiss me,” I say in a groaning whisper. My breathlessness leaves me unable to do anything else.
Before I even finish speaking, his hands are under my ass, and I’m lifted up to meet his face. I wrap my legs around him. There is no way I wouldn’t feel the erection against me. It feels substantial, and his jeans and my thin thong I choose to torment Professor Hottie are all that separate us.
With lips already hovering over mine, I hear, “Last chance.” Instead of answering him I slam my mouth on his. I don’t want gentle, I want all the bad he can give me. The closer we are the less I can resist him. I’ve spent the whole time here fighting to find Cam and tell him I have feelings for him. That I see him for not just the loving man but the sexual beast that lies within. As much as part of me wants to fight this, I can’t stop it. I hope Cam will understand. I’ll find a way to make him understand. This has nothing to do with my love for him. It doesn’t diminish how much I want him.
Still kissing me, Julian is quick to reassure me through our connection. “He will. Hopefully, he’ll even join in.” I can’t hold in the moan that thought causes.
The warm wetness of Julian’s tongue, gliding along the seam of my lips, opening me to probe and play with my mouth excites me even more. I respond without hesitation. No matter what happens, here or with my confusion over the other guys, I don’t regret this. I refuse to regret this; it feels right.
“Turn off that big, pretty brain. Just let go and feel,” he pushes into me. With my legs, I pull him in tighter, my fingernails digging into the skin of his square shoulders. In response, he rocks into me, the rough material of the building pressing into my back and his hard cock rubbing against my swollen clit, causing a surge of electricity through my body.