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Sinful Sister Page 6

  Cam pauses. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to do this.” Within seconds of the words leaving his lips, his mouth devours me.

  “Cam, stop. Push down your pants and palm your cock. I need you to come with us. Please.” He doesn’t reply or remove his skillful mouth from me but I feel the movement behind me, and his intake of breath against my pussy is unmistakable as his self pleasuring begins. A rush of lust and power overtakes me, and I pull Julian further into my throat building our pace. I rock into Cam behind me and forward onto Julian as I continue to suck.

  Julian’s “Fuck!” breaks up the sounds of mutual oral pleasure in the room as he releases into my mouth. I swallow every drop he has to give. There is a distinct clinking as my mind opens and emotions flood into me sending everything spinning. My heart pounds quickly before it steadies into a slower solid beat. When I touch the guys I feel the rhythms of their bodies are starting to match mine. As I do, I sense the ever growing connection inside me. We’re more than connected after we touch each other this way, it binds us even more. The sexual tension of the reformatory might have pushed us past our boundaries but this feeling right now, the closeness, it can’t be wrong. And while I’m not sure what is happening, or how I can feel so much for more than one man, I don’t want to question it. I’ve lived too long not feeling wanted, not feeling loved. I deserve more than my share right now. And there’s one more I plan to show how wonderful this can be. If only he would see it.

  Cam bites down on my clit then gently circles it in soothing strokes. His fingers are already inside me, hitting just the right spot. He knows my body somehow, his ministrations quickly pushing me past the edge. I feel his climax as it shoots against my leg. That’s all it takes; I fall apart in perfect bliss with Julian holding me up from below and Cam grasping my hips from behind me. If it’s possible to glow from the inside, I am.

  I firmly believe you can’t be happy unless you love yourself first, and I do, but with them I feel more complete than I ever have. It still feels like a piece of the puzzle is missing, and I know just who I want to be the one who fills it. Pain in the ass though he is.


  I’m huddled under one of the old mossy oaks waiting for Cam. The clearing on the edge of campus has unofficially become ‘our spot.’ While ordinarily it’s beautiful, today is a steady misty rain with dark skies casting an ominous feeling of gloom.

  A shiver tingles down my spine. If Cam isn’t here soon, I’m leaving. He is the one who told me he needed to see me. That it was necessary. The light sprinkles start to fatten into heavy raindrops. I groan. Instead of leaving, I pull my raincoat tighter. I might talk a big game, but I know I’d wait forever, even in thunderstorms, for Cam.

  As if I conjured it, a clap of thunder sounds behind me, startling me enough to jump. My anxiety soothes as I feel that Cam’s nearby. His body heat warms me as he engulfs me in a tight hug.

  “I have so much I need to tell you. But first…” That’s all the warning he gives before his mouth is on mine. His lips meld into me, and I swear I can feel us winding ourselves into each other more and more. Even before we came here, I felt the extraordinary bond, but the more and more we fall under a spell here and allow our bodies to call the shots, the more we become connected outside the physical. I have no complaints about our deepening connection. Not that I had any doubts, but I’ve never been more sure that Cam will never willingly leave me.

  “Not that I am complaining about any of that. But what is this about, Cam? What’s so important you dragged me out here? In this.” I point to the increasingly turbulent weather.

  He grabs at me, his face alight with mischief, and aligns my body against his. “Only sugar melts in the rain, you’ll be just fine.” At my evil eye glare, he adds, “Though you taste damn sweet.” My insides were already heated with desire from his presence, and his kisses are melting the heat into molten lava.

  Needing to catch our breath, we pull away from our impromptu make-out session. “I’ll never get tired of kissing you, Cam,” I tell him as I lay my head against his chest. The steady beating of his heart against me steadies me. “Okay, lay it on me. What’s going on? Something about your dad?”

  Cam covers us with a massive umbrella. “We could’ve used that before I soaked through,” I deadpan. Cam manages to appear sheepish as he hands me an old worn envelope. It looks as ancient and outdated as the buildings we’re currently calling home.

  “Creepy,” I say as I take it from his hand.

  “We should communicate this way. If someone were to spy, they wouldn’t be able to get through,” he explains through our connection.

  Spies. Old creepy letters. Cam is paranoid. I am officially sold. “Okay. Should I read it, or do you want me to give me the rundown?”

  “Go ahead and read it.”

  I have a hard time believing the words I’m reading even though they’re clearly written before me. It’s not so much that I don’t think Cam’s dad would’ve done these things. It’s more that I’m surprised that someone would tell Cam. That they would warn him and ask him to have my back. I’m left feeling so confused. Like the storm around us, my insides churn in a mixed-up uncertain mess.

  Cam exclaims, “Right!”

  I jump, unprepared for his enthusiasm. “Shit, Cam. Sometimes I forget you basically live in my head now.” Having sexy men in my head isn’t always a good thing. I try to be sexy, but it’s just when my inner weirdo wants a turn.

  “Iz. Can you please try to focus for a minute?” he chastises. So focus I do and shift my attention back on the letter. Besides being old, it’s pretty nondescript. It says Cam’s dad wasn’t who he said he was. But I knew that already. I remember I have to censor my thoughts when Cam gives me a ‘Really, you never said that before’ look.

  The facts according to the letter:

  1) Cam’s dad, Jeffory, was/is a fraud—I can’t even process the implication of that right now—though Mother did have me hide in his closets to spy a lot.

  2) Jeffory had access to and practiced banned and dark magic.

  3) He wasn’t acting alone.

  4) There were plans to overtake the magical world.

  5) Those plans are somehow tied to the reformatory.

  6) Cam needs to protect himself.

  7) Cam needs to protect me at all costs.

  8) We know too much, and a showdown is unavoidable.

  “Cam, I don’t understand. None of this makes sense to me. I understand the words, but not really. This is some next-level stuff. That or one of the worst pranks ever.”

  As I’m folding the letter to hand it back to him, I catch sight of a small watermark, barely visible. It reads S.M. Byron. “Do you see that?” I ask as I hold it up to Cam, pointing out the hidden name.

  His eyes scrunch in apparent confusion. “S.M. Byron? Like Professor Byron?”

  “It has to be,” I answer. I train my sights on his intoxicating navy eyes. “There’s only one way to find out. Come on, we’re getting dry clothes, then paying a visit to our favorite pain in the ass professor.”


  Before I get the chance to knock the door to Professor Hottie’s office opens. Without a word, I push past him in a huff and sit in his comfortable and sizable office chair behind his desk. So much for waiting for Cam and Julian before I confront Samuel.

  He shuts his door and takes a steadying breath before turning to face me. The fortifying pause and his current sternly baffled expression make him look like a parent dealing with a bratty child. Well, I can’t entirely argue with that, can I? The fantasy of it makes my heart rate thrum in expectant excitement.

  “No, you can’t. But calm yourself, it’s not happening today, if ever.” My eyes narrow at his gall. That wasn’t for him, not yet anyway. He just keeps on talking. “Full disclosure. You can’t hide from me here.”

  “Hide?” I question with petulant annoyance. He’s not taking control so easily. I’m determined to get him to kneel.

p; He chuckles. “You just make it too easy sometimes, Pet.”

  Deciding to size up the man before me, my gaze starts at his expensive leather loafers and runs up along the soft worn but not dingy jeans. He’s sporting a white oxford shirt with a brown vest over the starched material. Clearly, he is doing his best to be the stuffy, uptight professor, but there are small things that give him away. The rolled sleeves, the top of his shirt left casually unbuttoned, tossed just fucked hair, and there’s a hit of a tattoo peeking from where his rolled sleeve ends. There might be more to him than I’ve considered. His sharp jaw, clenched tight in reaction to my perusal, is begging to be licked. His eyes, those enchanting multidimensional silver gray blue eyes, can pull everything from me with no effort if I hold their penetrating stare.

  He’s the one to break it, though, giving me the same thorough body scan as I gave him. This time, I didn’t dress for maximum seduction, but it seems he appreciates my tight v-neck T-shirt, short, frayed jean shorts, and overworn chucks. This is the real me, not the short skirts and ‘fuck me’ heels. I’m happy to see this side of me seems to excite him just as much, if not more than the sex kitten.

  I’m first to break the silence. With less pout I decide it’s time to get started. “I think we’ve both done enough eye fucking. Shall we get down to business?” I ask him matter of factly, our eyes locked.

  “Depends on who’s going down and what the business is they’re going down for,” he replies. A teasing smirk is the highlight of his mischievous face. This side of him is adorable, and it knocks me off my game a little.

  This man. I am out of my element. It’s the first time I’ve enjoyed an older man’s teasing. Part of it might be he’s not creeping me out with veiled threats of violence and insinuated sex slavery. Not that it’s a high bar to reach.

  Samuel strides toward me with purpose and squats so we are eye-level. He looks at me directly and with serious intent as his hand lightly skirts the length of my face. I feel him. We’re connected too somehow. His importance to me radiates in my every cell. It’s a lot to take in. He must sense something because just as he was letting me in beyond our shallow connection he shuts down. This man is going to be a hard one to pin down, but so far I’ve proved to be a good hunteress. I want to know why he fights the possibility of us so hard. Is there something wrong with me? Or is there something deeper? I have to know what I’m fighting against to get what I desire. I wish I had a better handle on my magic, on everything that’s happened to me so far. I know I can control these connections but it has been hard since being here.

  Though I’ve never felt so connected to so many. For so long, this part of my magic was a big fat secret. Mother knew, as did Ana. Though Ana only knew very little, enough to allow us to communicate. I rarely shut her out, even when we annoyed each other, which was often. When I blocked my mother the minute I learned I could control the power that way, she acted over the top hurt. But I know it was only because she lost her ability to use me for her information pony, hiding in closets to listen in on conversations I still probably wouldn’t understand even if I remembered them. She lost the sliver of control she had over me and hated every second of it.

  But Ana, my sweet Ana, she and I loved and hated that connection in equal parts. Ours had always been and still is difficult to define. I’m more of the big sister even though she technically is. We’re close but at the same time not, not as close as we’ve been before. I want to get back to that place. Since our separation, I’ve tried to reach out to her, but static is all I’ve managed. I hope she’s okay without me, wherever she is.

  Samuel, pushes through my recollections. I always find myself slipping back to the past when I’m around him. A pulsing rush of his feelings comfort me like a bear hug through our connection. It’s there and grows everytime we touch each other, whether he’s ready for it or not.

  “First, she’s safe. I don’t have details but I’ll keep trying for you. No matter what, please know, I will never hurt you. I’ll only do what is needed to protect you, even if sometimes you don’t like it. I felt our destined tie the first moment you entered this place, even before you knew I existed. But if I have to push you away to keep you safe, I will. You’re not imagining these things happening to you. I’ve tried my best to keep the worst from you.”

  I want to trace each worry line that mars his perfect face in an attempt to sooth the tension away. “I’ve seen it,” he breathes.

  I feel the truth in his words. “I trust you. I have no reason to, but I do. You’re a bossy ass sometimes, but remember, I can feel you.” I place my hand over his heart, our heartbeats thumping a steady rhythm as we enjoy a moment of calm.

  He chuckles. It’s a deep, throaty sound with just enough gravel to send awareness between my legs. This man is going to kill me.

  “No killing. I’m going to save you, but you’ll save us all.” He must see the confusion on my face because he doesn’t take long to continue. “Let me clarify. I’m going to torture you in many, many ways. I’ll stop short of killing, though. Now, out of my seat before I pick you up and place you over my knee for being a dirty, naughty girl. You’re begging for proper punishing.” And just like that the mood has shifted again.

  Samuels’s face pales when he sees me flinch at his word choice. He runs his hand through his hair as I stand, moving to one of the two leather wingback chairs on the opposite side typically used for guests.

  “It’s okay,” I assure him, letting my gaze drop to my hands in my lap. I’m not sure it truly is okay, though. I don’t want to have to explain my reaction.

  “You don’t have to explain. I see you.” He pauses, obviously mulling over his next words. “I’ve done what I could. But I can only do so much without raising suspicions.” I’ve never seen him like this, and I want to abate his anxiousness. We both know the voices are breaking me down. It’s what happens in my room when I’m alone. Some nights are better than others.

  “I’ve been sleeping better. It's been quieter, I’ve even been able to block out most everything. Even completely some nights. So thank you. And I refuse to let them win.” I shift in my seat, crossing my legs, and raising my eyes up to focus on his once more. “I like the idea of being your naughty girl. I have to figure out how to reconcile that in my head. Why do I like it even when it’s used to degrade me so much?” I take a moment to sort through some ideas floating through my head. “Maybe next time, say it aloud instead of being inside my head, like them.” My confidence grows the more I think about my new take back strategy.

  I hope my words reassure him. They seem to because he comes back to his buttoned up serious self. Hello, to the uptight asshat Professor Stick-in-the-mud, goodbye sexy Samuel.

  “I prefer when you call me Samuel,” he says aloud. “Even when I’m,” he clears his throat, “an, and I quote, ‘uptight asshat.’”

  The tense mood around us is broken. “Let’s get down to business,” I say in a low voice, leaning forward to use my cleavage to my advantage. “What do you know about the letter Cam received this morning?”


  “I think we need to call the others to join us. It’s time. I need to explain some things,” Sam tells me.

  I’m the one that brought the letter up, asking that we get to business, but part of me is still disappointed that we didn’t get a chance to flirt more and maybe even take things to the next level, at least with a little kiss.

  “There’s time for that. Don’t worry your bratty little head, Pet.” I whip around so quickly to look at him. My hair falls from the messy bun I settled for after being in the rain with Cam. “Excuse me?”

  Samuel laughs at my indignation. “I do love how excited you get when I tease you. It’s going to be so much fun to explore that more. But for now, we have bigger issues to solve.”

  I roll my eyes because I’m apparently the brat he just accused me of being around him. In my defense, not only am I annoyed by his taunting, it’s more than a bit unsettling that he knows
and feels so many of my thoughts and emotions. They can all do it now, and sometimes I feel like a trapped animal, even though I love it. I’ve hidden who I am for so long that I don’t know how to be so transparent with them. Even with these men that have effortlessly ensconced themselves into my heart. My very soul.

  I’ve come so far here, learning I don’t have to be who others say. But more importantly I’ve learned that it’s okay to embrace it too. I can enjoy being full out fire while also embracing the calming rain. Just because there is part of me that likes being bad doesn’t mean I am bad, that that idea is the whole of me. As I grow my relationships with the guys, I welcome learning new things about myself. Who knew I’d actually learn things here? My plan was to behave perfectly so Cam and I could go home.

  Samuel looks as if I’ve taken him off guard. “What do you mean? The others have already connected? You can feel each other? Communicate? Can they communicate? Have you bonded?”

  “Bonded? You mean sex?” I ask with hesitation clear in my voice.

  Before I can continue and explain how I’ve always had a connection with Cam and how it has built over the years, escalating quickly since being here, we’re disrupted by a loud banging on his door. Shit, Cam and Julian are here. Umm. I was supposed to wait for them. Sounds like they’re not happy.

  Samuel turns the lock and the door flies open. Cam and Julian stand on the threshold, fists balled, their expressions pinched and stances rigid.